In 2010, the Association of Duty-Free Stores Operators and Suppliers (GSMİT) was established with the participation of store operators and some suppliers within the sector. The purpose of this association is to be actively involved in matters concerning the sector and to share solutions to the fundamental issues of the duty-free industry, while taking global developments into account.

Our Members

Our Members

Our association's founding members include internationally renowned companies from the Turkish duty-free sector such as Setur, Dufry-Urart, ATU, and Unifree-Heinemann, which have proven themselves on the global stage and are capable of competing with world giants in terms of quality.

As for our supplier members, we proudly count Philip Morris, Umur Basım (the representative of Imperial Tobacco in Turkey Duty-Free), Karelia, and Efe Alkollü İçecekler A.Ş among our esteemed participants. Additionally, we are honored to have GTI Gümrük ve Turizm İşletmeleri, a subsidiary of TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye), known for its investments and operations in land border crossings, as part of our association.


Our Store Operator Member Firms


Our Supplier Member Firms


About Us

About Us

The international term known as Duty-Free and/or Tax-Free, which refers to the operation of duty-free stores, had its inception in the western part of Ireland, where it began with refueling operations. As airplanes refueled, passengers would indulge in meals and purchase cigarettes, alcohol, and souvenirs before embarking on their journey. The products sold here were exempt from taxes and customs duties because the airport was located in a designated free zone established in 1947 to promote the development of Shannon, a backward region of the country.
